2010年9月7日 星期二

Off the Mat, Into the World- Please help donate

Dear Friends,

If you're like me, who sometimes feel that even when we do yoga, we do it for a rather selfish purpose that we want to feel better, lighter, more enlightened and relaxed, a better person and blah! blah! blah!

Sometimes in class, teach encourages you to think of someone/something and offer today's practice to it. BUT TO WHO and WHAT?

Why Stretch When YOU CAN REACH?

I'll be in San Francisco for one week in mid-Sep. While I was looking for local yoga classes online, i came across to this Yoga fund raising activity by Yoga Aid (http://www.yogaaid.com/).
I've decided to participate a 2 hour practice with many other practitioners who want to make a different, and also become a fund raiser myself.

Small amount of donation is FINE. I just donated 10 USD myself.

It's not a competition here. The point is get the whole community involved. And for Charity Organization, I chose 
Off the Mat, Into the World (OTM), more information please go to http://www.offthematintotheworld.org/ or see the bottom of this article.

Donation is made through with your PayPal account.

No cash on the spot will be accepted, the money will not go through me either. We want to make the system clear, transparent and the fewest 3 parties involved as possible.

In Asia, in fact, for 2009 June Annual Yoga Conference in HK, Yoga Aid held a similar event in HK, some of the instructors that we might be more familiar with are Patrick Creelman & Andrey Lappa.
Yoga Aid website:http://yogaaid.com/hongkong

Yes, I know SFO is far from Taipei, but if you grant me this opportunity, I'd be happy to bring the Taiwan spirit to SFO on your behalf, if you let me. :)
One other thing that I can do for you is document this event on my blog. haha

MY fund raising website:http://yogaaid.com/melissachung

Thank you all for your Support.


(If you need a Chinese version of the content above, so you can spread the news around, You can 1.)let me know. or 2.) go here: http://bee-bao.blogspot.com/2010/09/off-mat-and-into-world.html

Off the Mat, Into the World®,  a program of The Engage Network, uses the power of yoga to inspire conscious, sustainable activism and to ignite grassroots social change. We do this by facilitating personal empowerment through leadership trainings, fostering community collaboration, and initiating local and global service projects including Global Seva Challenge and the Empowered Youth Initiative.

OTM helps individuals take the path of yoga “off the mat and into the world," expanding the sphere of change outward to local and global communities. We have trained over 500 yogis, many of whom have gone on to take action in their communities. To date, the OTM community has collaborated to raise over $1.4 million dollars for local and global projects in need.  

2 則留言:

  1. why do u need yoga lessons?
    are u gonna stay long?
    just curious!

  2. only for a week, but am curious what the yoga community is like in SFO, that's all. :)


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